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浏览:90 更新:2022-06-29 12:42

1、Vision读音英 #39v#618#658n,美 #39v#618#658n ,具体释义如下1Vision做名词时,意思是视力视野想象幻象梦幻神示异象例句The couple moved outside her field of vision。

2、有限的或不正确的数据将斜起点,危及到一个正确的结论的路径Unfortunately,many murder cases first appear to be something other than what they are不幸的是,许多谋杀案第一似乎比他们的其他东西Tunnel vision or。

3、不过没关系,近日,在Steam平台有一款荒岛求生VR游戏迷失海洋Lost in the Ocean VR这是由Tunnel Vision Studio 开发的VR动作冒险游戏在游戏里的玩家会遇到一场空难,幸存的漂流到了荒岛上由于荒岛环境恶劣。

4、配器层层叠加,给歌曲塑造出或空灵或迷幻的氛围这里要为Strawberry BubblegumTunnel VisionSpaceship CoupeBlue Ocean Floor手动点赞有评论用“迷幻复古”来形容Part 1倒也贴切唯一例外的是单曲Mirrors,这首节奏与。

5、3 He#39s accusing them of having a bourgeois vision他指责他们看法守旧4 characterized by dimness of vision 以视力模糊为特征 5 He#39s got the tunnel vision of a religious fanatic他是个宗教狂热分子,目光。

6、First, university is such an ideal place to broaden my horizon and make more friends The youth of 21stcentury should be openminded, instead of being a person with a tunnel vision I’m ready to meet。

7、呵呵,那个女孩太厉害了,Sara被她刺激了好几回呢,真是悲哀啊,The Unusual Suspect是第六季第18集,没错,我刚才确认了一下,一开场是一个女孩打网球的场景,你是不是下错了啊。


8、panda is a lovely animalthey are fat and clumsybut every drop of rain that falls,a flowers growsthough po is a panda,he also has his own dreamto my surprise,po save everyone at last beacuse of。


9、visionmix n溶合镜头visional `vIVEnEladjvisionally advbeyond one#39s vision 在视野之外, 看不见的 have vision of 想象到, 幻想 see visions 见幻象, 能预卜未来, 做先知 tunnel vision 狭隘的视野 井蛙。

10、no 3 reading widely could quickly enrich your vocabulary,enlarge background knowledge and open your visionno 4 not only do you have to know carefully about every word’s meaning and the way it is used。

11、The Metropolitan Transportation Authority special thanks The New York City Mayor#39s Office of Film, Theatre Broadcasting 美国 special thanks The Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority spe。

12、light at the end of the tunnel 隧道末端的光一线希望 like hot cakes 象刚出炉的蛋糕很受欢迎的东西,抢手有识之士 people of vision 有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain 有缘千里来相会 Separated as we are thou。

13、下面是它的歌词The World#39s GreatestI am a mountain I am a tall tree, oh I am a swift wind, sweeping the country I am a river down in the valley, oh I#39m a vision and I can see clearly If。

14、like attention tunnel vision, memory, and problemsolvingThere has been research indicating that the correlation suggested by Yerkes and Dodson exists such as that of Broadhurst, 1959 Duffy, 1962 Anderson。

15、1Thannk you very much indeed真的非常感谢你2The company was established in1960这个公司于1960年成立3They are digging an underground tunnel他们正在挖地下隧道4When we got to the hotel,it。


